Honda jazz fit hatchback
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Фото Сравнение Хонда Фит и Хонда Джазз Видео Похожие статьи
Что лучше Хонда Фит или Хонда Джазз? Сравнить Fit и Jazz. Получена на основе мнений реальных владельцев. Подробнее. Honda Jazz. оценка модели.
Полная информация об автомобиле Honda Jazz. Объявления о продаже от частников и дилеров, отзывы владельцев, фотографии, характеристики и цены.

Хэтчбек -микровэн Honda Jazz II. Хонда Джаз () технические характеристики и цены. Обзор хэтчбека Honda Jazz (Fit) 2-го поколения с фотографиями.
В нашем обзоре рассмотрим обновленный Honda Jazz Fit года, оценим дизайн кузова, узнаем внешние габаритные размеры, подберем цвета эмали и шины с дисками, укажем точные технические характеристики, постараемся комфортно разместиться на водительском и пассажирских местах, заглянем в багажник, выясним количество комплектаций для российских автовладельце и их наполнение, оценим качество материалов применяемых для отделки салона и, разумеется, укажем цену, за которую можно купить обновленный хэтчбек Хонда Джаз года в России, а так же аксессуары для авто. Преждевременный износ переднего сайлентблока наступает в результате эксплуатации автомобиля в условиях плохих дорог. Длина кузова почти четыре метра 3,9 м , ширина — 1,7 м без зеркал и 2 м с ними, высота — 1,5 м. Drive — переключения осуществляются плавно при комфортном разгоне и Sport — четкие переключения и максимальное ускорение. Также сюда можно включить новые выступающие задние светодиодные фары повышенной видимости, а над ними менее выраженный, чем в предыдущей версии, задний спойлер.
Хонда Фит (Honda Fit Jazz) представили на автосалоне
One of the unique characteristics of the Fit, which is also present in the Fit Aria and Airwave, is the location of the fuel tank. Rather than placing it under the rear seats, it is located under the front seats, thereby freeing up valuable room in the back.
Either section or both of the This offers a low, perfectly flat surface that increases the cargo area substantially. The rear seat behind the passenger folds down similar to utility mode, but the front passenger seat folds backward, leaving an area that can hold items as long as 2.

Either section or both of the rear seat cushion fold up against the rear seat back, allowing for an area of 1. With the headrest of the front seat removed, the front seat back can be folded down to form a lounge-style sitting area. Production Edit The Fit is produced in 5 factories throughout the world.
The Brazilian factory supplies all of Latin America and the Caribbean. Chinese models are sold in the region, and also exported to Europe. Regions The Fit is marketed in different ways and has different characteristics throughout the world, depending on which region it is sold in. Japan Edit Two engines 1. Unique to the Japanese market, the Fit is also available in 4WD. Brazil Edit In Brazil, the Fit has the same two engines from the Japanese models All Brazilian Honda cars have engines imported from Japan and there are three trim levels available.

Base model LX features the 1. The second model in the range, the LXL, features the same engine from the LX, but has extra equipment. The top model is the EX, which has essentially the same equipment from the LXL, but comes with the 1. All models are available with the 5-speed manual or the regular CVT automatic. There are neither side airbags nor side curtains available for the brazilian version.
Note the position of the radio antenna position in the picture. Honda started selling the model in February with new bumpers and some cosmetic changes.
Europe Edit The European market also has two engines available. All European models have ABS and 4-wheel disc brakes standard on every model. Side airbags are standard on 1. In the United Kingdom, the Honda Jazz has received a serious amount of very good press. North America Edit The Fit went on sale in the United States and Canada in April of as a model year vehicle.
Due to differing safety regulations, North American Fits have larger bumpers than the rest of the world, resulting in a slight increase in overall length. The Fit is offered in two variants, Base and Sport. Differences are primarily limited to cosmetics and standard equipment. All models share the same 1. A conventional 5-speed automatic transmission is optional, instead of the CVT found throughout the rest of the world.
The Fit Sport receives paddle shifters mounted behind the steering wheel when ordered with the automatic.