Lamborghini logo
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Логотипы Lamborghini в векторном формате. Иконка.
The Lamborghini logo shows a bull or Taurus that is the brand founder’s zodiac sign. Ferruccio Lamborghini is usually accused of logo ’s similarity to Ferrari’s logo.

The Lamborghini logo is the renowned bullfighting symbol. The Nissan logo is a new steel-blue logo unveiled in 2013 Nissan Motor Corporation is.
This bull represents consistency, fortitude and power. Orange UK logo Previous Next. Lamborghini was rather creative and inspired while fixing engines. The Lamborghini logo is the renowned bullfighting symbol.
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Ferruccio Lamborghini was extremely interested in Spanish bullfighting sport that is also shown in the logo. Furthermore many Lamborghini cars are called as famous bulls. It was not considered to be an accident from Ferruccio, who had a lingering rivalry with Ferrari.
Lamborghini become so impressed looking for the majestic Miura bulls that he derived to adopt a fighting bull as the sign for the automaker Lamborghini would open shortly. The shape of the Lamborghini symbol depicts a shield and demonstrates golden snorting bull. The emblem was symbolical like any other car logos.

This bull represents consistency, fortitude and power. The famous golden Taurus with a black field of the Lamborgini symbol holds great similarity to the horse and yellow field of the Ferrari symbol.
The similarity was not just a coincidence, since Ferruccio has a longstanding rivalry with Ferrari. Since the golden bull in the Lamborghini symbol depicts excellence and wealthy tradition of the manufacturer, the black color reflects its power, prestige, elegance and integrity. Car Brands American Car Brands. Car Logos Acura Logo.