Renault trak
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Also, the former Uruguayan plant of cars owned by Nordex in Uruguay, made since the Renault Trucks models like Midlum series. РАЗЛИЧНЫЕ ТИПЫ СПОЙЛЕРОВ НА КРЫШУ фиксированные 88 мм , регулируемые электрически или вручную от до мм и с откидными боковыми дефлекторами. Since the truck models resulting from this cooperation were built by Saviem [7] and later Renault, even until PSA however sold them on to RVI in , having itself little interest in the commercial vehicle market. In Spain, however, where Renault already was recognized as a local automobile producer, the Dodge trucks, which originally had been developed by the manufacturer Barreiros Diesel , [12] were rebadged as Renaults and soon after replaced by French-designed models.
Renault Trucks — Википедия
Again, the old brand names were retained for two more years while the model lineups gradually were incorporated, until in they were replaced by the name Renault. Renault Midliner with Club of Four cab, late s model In , Saviem became a member of the Euro Truck Development Group or Club of Four , a cooperation between four European truck producers Saviem, Volvo , DAF and Magirus-Deutz , which soon after became a part of Iveco for the production of medium-sized trucks.
Since the truck models resulting from this cooperation were built by Saviem [7] and later Renault, even until They were also sold on the North American market as the Mack Mid-Liner or Manager. PSA however sold them on to RVI in , having itself little interest in the commercial vehicle market. In the company was subject to a Fire Brigades Union inquirey due to 8 Dodge fire engines involved in crashes. In Spain, however, where Renault already was recognized as a local automobile producer, the Dodge trucks, which originally had been developed by the manufacturer Barreiros Diesel , [12] were rebadged as Renaults and soon after replaced by French-designed models.

In the company signed a deal with the Chinese company Dongfeng Motor to manufacture engines. The Renault Trucks-MKR Technology team won in Also, the former Uruguayan plant of cars owned by Nordex in Uruguay, made since the Renault Trucks models like Midlum series.
It trades on its acquisition of Berliet and claims to have over 30, vehicles in use around the world. In Renault Trucks took over ACMAT , but the defence and security vehicle manufacturer retained its own name and identity.