Renault brandbook
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Renault unveiled its new brand identity at the Geneva Motor Show earlier on in the year. It features an upgrade to the logo and above all a powerful new tagline that emphasizes.

share of the Renault brand alone is between 7% and 8%. Our. • Renault ’s share in the net loss booked by AvtoVAZ for €395 million (of which €136 million from negative.
Road safety for all. Это решение, в дальнейшем, обойдется ему слишком дорого — после окончания войны, Луи обвинили в измене родине. Домены Интернет Компьютерное железо Мобильные Программное обеспечение Транспорт, туризм. Этот автомобиль с универсальным и комфортабельным салоном, характерной французской мягкой подвеской колес стал элегантным и практичным автомобилем для французского среднего класса. Разработка логотипа, создание логотипа, создание фирменного стиля, разработка фирменного стиля -.
Renault - Group Brands
The new brand identity will be rolled out across all our communications materials: logo, advertising, sales brochures, websites, uniforms, and the interior layout of Renault Stores.
Specifically, the diamond logo has been reworked. And the name RENAULT is also bigger, which improves legibility, an especially important factor on new markets. Renault cars have always been made for living life to the full. Our latest models —Clio, Captur, New Espace, Kadjar, and Renault Sandero and Duster outside Europe— boast a new design, brimming over with life and passion. The new logo and tagline will first be appearing in our digital media websites and social media and advertising material.

Rollout across all our communications materials should be completed by the end of the year. We do call in brand management consulting firms on this kind of question, but the most valuable source is the input we invite from Group Renault employees. From this input we drew up a shortlist of possible taglines.
We then tested these out on our customers, to evaluate appreciation, memorability and capacity to distinguish Renault from its rivals. The tagline we decided on in the end was indeed one of those put forward by Renault employees. Welcome to the Groupe Renault international website. Renault at a glance. A Group, an Alliance and Partnerships.

Our Alliance with Nissan: Together Stronger. Renault vehicles in Europe. Renault Samsung Motors vehicles. Giving each of our brands a strong personality.
Renault, a born innovator. Our vision of corporate social responsibility. Our corporate social responsibility principles. Maintaining an open dialogue with our stakeholders. Road safety for all.
Sponsorship: support for your projects. Financial analysts tracking the Renault share. A global, innovative and passionate group. For our personnel on the jobs they do. A new brand identity for Renault. Renault unveiled its new brand identity at the Geneva Motor Show earlier on in the year. Renault optimizes the lifecycle of its electric vehicle batteries.

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